Letters From Tamriel

An epistolary gaming blog

Welcome to Letters from Tamriel

As players of The Elder Scrolls games well know, no situation in Tamriel is so dire that one cannot take a moment to jot down a few notes in a journal or letter to a loved one, perhaps including three-fifths of a puzzle solution for those who might come along later.

In this spirit, Letters from Tamriel originally featured the epistolary fiction of my characters from Elder Scrolls Online, writing home with tales of their adventures. The one-sided conversations were hard to follow, however, so the blog evolved into my discussions of game mechanics, TES lore, and a whole lotta fan-girling about how much I love Elder Scrolls. To read the fiction, start with the Category “About This Site”, or pick a character and click their Category to read through their letters sequentially. The lore posts and fan-girling can be read in any order.

At the top of the right-column menu is a field labelled “Follow This Blog” – if you enter your email address into that field, future posts will show up in your inbox as emails.

Pull up a chair, grab a sweetroll, and enjoy!


2 thoughts on “Welcome to Letters from Tamriel

  1. Satribe (Tim) on said:

    Arrived at Sleepy Senche Overlook and didn’t find any lore book or not as I have found in others. The Senche intrigued me so I sought out the web, and found an “honory” spinner. Thanks to a tag in one of your letters to home, I got to be entertained by your story. Thank you.


    • I delighted to hear that! To be honest, it surprises me that anyone still (ever) reads the letters, even though that was what I started the blog for. After working on them a while, I decided the one-sided conversations weren’t enough to make sense of the overarching story, particularly when ‘Fire and Divayth start squabbling. I’ve even thought of deleting all the letters off the blog many times. Thanks so much for commenting! 🙂


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