Letters From Tamriel

An epistolary gaming blog

Archive for the category “Build Info”

Gear / Build / Weapon Bar interplay

@Zells - sepia stone - smallUpdate: this was written in Sept 2017 and some of the specific info is now out-dated, but the essentials remain valid.

I’ve shied away from writing a build guide, because I freely acknowledge I am neither a data-miner, nor a math girl, nor am I a master DPS.  I can’t analyze the raw data for you, and I can’t pump out 55K DPS and then tell you how I did it.

But I have done hella research on DPS builds, and when I listen to people talk about their builds in chat I’ve noticed some common mistakes.  For example, I’ve had convos in most of my guilds about why the War Maiden set isn’t a strong choice for Sorcerers.  This isn’t going to be a pre-fab build, instead we’ll walk through an analysis of the build you’re using so you can strengthen it.  I’ll focus on Sorcs, ‘cuz it’s what I know, but some of it will apply to other classes.  Read more…

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